Eglinton East LRT Consultation and Communications Strategy
(August 2017 - Ongoing)
Crazy Dames is part of a team that is providing communications and public engagement support to City of Toronto Transportation Services for the Egilnton East LRT. The Eglinton East LRT is Scarborough's transit corridor, connecting people and places on Eglinton Ave, Kingston Road and Morningside. The project is focused on more than just transit. It is looking at how to build on Scarborough's strengths and show how the corridor can contribute to a 'complete community.'
Dillon Consulting (lead)
As part of Phase 1, Crazy Dames was asked to design a public engagement activity to determine planning and placemaking priorities along the corridor. The focus was to understand what residents currently value in their neighbourhood, what they want to preserve and what they would want to see in the future. We therefore developed a series of cutouts of different complete community icons (bikes, cars, transit, people, trees, stores etc.). Blue cutouts represented what people want to preserve along the corridora nd orange cutouts represented what participants want to seei n the future. The conversations were captured in summary notes and a 'what we heard report.'